Construction Completed on Shaoyang GCL Sunshine Elementary



Supported by donations by GCL, construction work on Sunshine Elementary in the Beita District of Hunan’s Shaoyang City officially drew to a close on January 18. On behalf of the company, GCL Group CEO Sun Wei along with a team of representatives from the GCL Sunshine Charity Foundation visited Shaoyang to take part in Sunshine Elementary’s opening ceremony. Cai Jirong, Dean of the Shaoyang Municipal Party School, Deputy District Chief of the Beita Standing Committee Tang Honghua, and a number of other local Party and administrative leaders were also in attendance. With colorful banners fluttering and the rhythms of festive drumbeats filling the air, the children of Sunshine Elementary, faces all smiles, took their places to perform “A Grateful Heart” and extend a warm, heartfelt welcome to all the guests.

During the ceremony, Ms Sun Wei, speaking on behalf of the GCL Group, extended her warmest congratulations on the occasion of the formal completion of the renovation of the GCL Sunshine Elementary School, and offered her sincerest appreciation to city and district Party and administrative leaders for their untiring support of construction work for this project. She also expressed her hopes that as the equipment and hardware available to the students at Sunshine Elementary improves, the school will be able to make use of this foundation to continually strive to enhance the quality of education offered, to let the distinctiveness and uniqueness of the school shine through, and to nurture ever greater numbers of outstanding graduates able to devote their talents to the benefit of the community and the country. The GCL Sunshine Charity Foundation shall persevere in its efforts to apply its charitable concepts of devotion to seeing that projects are carried out to completion, benevolence, love and caring to every aspect of the community. They will continue to engage in publicity work, attracting and guiding the support of all levels and circles of the community, taking part in a variety of social welfare activities, and providing conscientious and earnest support for the lives, health and studies of students as they grow and develop. GCL is wholeheartedly committed to securing for students an even better tomorrow.

Representing GCL, Sun Wei presented the school with educational equipment including notebook computers and overhead projectors, while the Beita District government made a gift of a commemorative plaque marking the occasion. Deputy District Chief of the Beita Standing Committee Tang Honghua represented the sentiments of the local government with a speech to everyone present, offering his most heartfelt thanks for the many philanthropic efforts made by GCL towards the public good, and at the same time stating that the district will be taking advantage of this opportunity to increase investment in the local education system and will be increasing the pace of the development of basic education in the area. Representatives of the student body offered words of thanks that were simply stated yet full of the utmost sincerity. From the stark contrast between the old and new look of the campus, the school’s students were truly able to feel GCL’s genuine concern for t♓heir well-being as well as the assistance they helped give to the school. As such, the studen🐎ts promised to treasure every tree and blade of grass on the renovated school grounds, to treasure every moment spent in class, as well as to understand, offer and develop the strong sense of love they have come to feel and give back to the community through their outstanding and ever-improving performances in their studies.
The Shaoyang GCL Sunshine Elementary School was formerly known as Shaoyang Beita District Xintan Village Elementary. Founded in the 1960s and experiencing a number of changes and shifts throughout its history, the schoolhouse had become old, dilapidated and too small for the needs of the surrounding community, and generally unable to provide studying conditions at a satisfactory level. However, even with this being the case, the performance of the educators at the school was met with widespread critical acclaim, and the school was awarded with honors and accolades at the national level as well as recognition as a “Base for Training Young Writers” by Hunan Provincial authorities. In September 2011, following on-site inspections by GCL Sunshine Charity Foundation staff as well as a full review by the Foundation’s Investigative Committee, the decision was made to offer a donation towards the reconstruction of the school. Work on the project took off in the following month, and during the construction phase, the working team was able to overcome the many difficulties presented by the local weather and geographical conditions and finish construction before the end of 2012. While the school was being rebuilt, GCL sent a number of civil engineering experts to monitor the progress and provide guidance for the construction work in order to ensure a full and comprehensive guarantee of both construction safety and quality. Thanks to the tireless support of the local government as well as all sections of the local community, educational offerings at the school were brought to a whole new level by the amount and quality of hardware, software and equipment available to students and teachers. Today the school is fully operational with 640 students attending, a faculty of 36, and teaching progressing at a tidy, orderly pace.